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4 Self-Development Exercises That Will Improve Your Life – Part 1

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At Seekers Tribe, we believe in the power of self-development. Life is a journey where we work towards becoming our best version. Therefore, getting to know ourselves, working on our personality, and believing in our capacities are extremely important and should be taught in school. We put together a list of truly life-changing exercises:

  • Build a timeline to realize your achievements – we often forget what we accomplished in life, so it is key to remind ourselves of the accomplishments we made in our lives. Create a list of achievements in time frames of 5 years since you were born. You will be amazed at the result!
  • Analyse your family members – as Jim Rohn says, “we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with”, so our family plays a key role in our personality. Analyze your closest family members’ qualities and weaknesses, and you will better understand your personality, beliefs, and fears.
  • Create your life manifesto – write down exactly what you want for your life as if you were already living it. Create a paragraph for each area of your life: spiritual, personality, character, romantic, family, friendship, career, finances, and social contribution.
  • Create a vision board – this complements the previous exercise by helping it become more visual. Choose special images for each one of the areas previously mentioned, put them together and look at them as often as you can.

These exercises will help you understand yourself better, clarify what you want to achieve in life, and keep you motivated. They are so simple, yet so rich. Leave us a comment with your thoughts.

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