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5 Tips to Make New Friends as an Adult

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Human beings are social animals and we are all aware of the importance of having good relationships with the people around us for our health. That doesn’t mean it’s always easy. In fact, a study carried out by the organization Relate has revealed that, in the United Kingdom, one in eight adults do not have close friends. This is not surprising considering that it is often much more difficult to make new friends as adults than as children.

Martin Burrow, a consultant at Relate, argues, “adults are more likely to get stuck in a routine that consists merely of working, sleeping, and possibly taking care of children. With this pace of life, friendships often occupy a lower place on the priority list.”

So, what can we do if we feel more alone or how can we make new friends? To help you out, here we present you with 5 tips on finding friends as an adult. Keep reading!



5 Tips to Make New Friends

Find new hobbies or do group activities

Yes, the first tip for finding friends is getting involved in new hobbies and doing group activities. It may sound cliché, and you may think that it is not easy when we work full time and find ourselves exhausted at the end of the day. However, if you don’t expand your circles of friends, in the end, you will always end up with the same people.

So, you should be proactive in your search. You can think of something you’d like to do, whether it’s playing a sport, learning a language, or joining a book club. You can find many such groups online that are free and they will help you connect with people who share your interests.

Do not reject a person for not being exactly like you

One of the main obstacles for adults when it comes to making friends is that they have a fixed and immovable idea of ​​the type of person they want to socialise with. This automatically reduces the search range. Children find it easier because they are less judgmental and willing to give anyone a chance to be their friend. Instead of rejecting people before you have a chance to really know them, it is better to keep an open mind about making friends.

Don’t be afraid to take the first step

If you spend your life waiting for people to ask you out, you may have to wait forever. It is possible that others are not aware of how lonely you are and that is why they do not think about asking you to do something if you do not propose it first.

So, when you’re meeting new people, don’t be afraid to take the first step just like kids. Remember, kids don’t mind that they seem eager to make friends, and that’s why they do it so well.

Prioritize face-to-face contact

Don’t hide behind your computer screen, because it won’t be as productive as face-to-face contact. We know that social media and technology can be very productive for keeping in touch with friends who have moved out of town or with those we don’t have time to see as often. However, it’s also important to try to build friendships through personal contact.

Try harder to keep in touch

Besides making new friends, it’s always a good idea to reconnect with old buddies (even childhood ones). When our friends move to another city, change jobs or start a new relationship, it is normal that there is less contact than before. That’s why it’s worth trying not to lose it.

The idea here is to stay in touch with your friends on a regular basis and show them that you’re there for them. You might also want to get back in touch with those you don’t talk to as much anymore and rebuild your friendship.


Using these simple tips, you can surely make new friends as an adult and expand your social circle in no time. Good Luck!

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