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Simple morning rituals

Simple Morning Rituals That Will Improve Your Day

The way we wake up and spend the first moments of our day can set the tone with which the rest of the day unfolds. Hence, it is important to have simple morning rituals that turn your morning into a moment of peace and fill you with energy that will last all day. 

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Self Love – What it Is and How to Practice It

Self-Love – What it Is and How to Practice It

Self-love is the process of appreciating yourself from a physical, spiritual, and psychological standpoint. It’s about understanding that you are special and unique. That no matter what the world says, you matter, and you have a place in society. Self-love is about having the confidence, strength, and courage to go into the world and be proud of who you are.

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meditation for begginers

Meditation for Beginners. A Guide on How to Get Started and on the Meditation Benefits

Meditation has been a technique people have practiced for centuries. It is seen in some cultures as the very technique necessary to transition from the real world to the spiritual world. While in other societies, it has been seen as a helpful technique to help with mental health. With mental health becoming an ever-growing problem in the world, it is becoming essential to have as many tools in the toolbox as possible, and meditation should be one of them. However, meditation for beginners could be difficult as it does require a level of focus and discipline.

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Life Vision and Mission

The Importance of Having a Life Vision and Mission

Where do you want to be in 3, 5, or even 10 years? Chances are, it may not be where you are right now. However, if you don’t know where you want to go, you might end up in an area that isn’t of interest to you. Therefore, it is crucial to start thinking about your life vision and mission.

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how to be happy?

How To Be Happy? – 7 Easy Habits That Will Make The Difference In Your Life

We all want to be happy and have happy lives. Happiness is a state of mind and a skill that can be trained. We usually rely on external factors such as people and events to impact how we feel. If these go well, we feel happy, but if they don’t go as we want, our happiness levels can hit rock bottom. Instead of relying on external factors, we should work on our state of mind and choose to be happy. Be happy no matter what is a decision we should take and commit to.

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