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How To Be Happy? – 7 Easy Habits That Will Make The Difference In Your Life

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We all want to be happy and have happy lives. Happiness is a state of mind and a skill that can be trained. We usually rely on external factors such as people and events to impact how we feel. If these go well, we feel happy, but if they don’t go as we want, our happiness levels can hit rock bottom. Instead of relying on external factors, we should work on our state of mind and choose to be happy. Being happy no matter what is a decision we should take and commit to. 

As tricky as sometimes life can be, there are always reasons for being happy and grateful: for being alive, for the challenges life is bringing, for the people we are crossing paths with, or simply the air we are breathing.

Working on our happiness is a practice that we all should have. So as we go to the gym to work on our muscles, we should too work on our happiness. It might not feel natural at the begging, but the more we do it, the easier it will be. We put together a list of habits that will help you with that exercise.

How To Be Happy In Life?

  • Enjoy the small things: Find joy in the small things of life: going for a walk, feeling the fresh air on your face, eating fruit from a tree or simply staying still. Happiness is made of small moments, so try to create them as often as possible.
  • Help others – one thing that creates more happiness is helping others. We feel good contributing to a cause, but we also tend to relativise our problems. Giving compliments to someone is also very easy to do but often forgotten. However, it can create a massive impact on other people’s lives.
  • Love yourself – sometimes we treat ourselves in a way that we wouldn’t treat others. Treat yourself as you would treat a friend. Create some self-love habits such as complementing yourself, giving yourself a treat for something you accomplished, lighting a candle or enjoying some time for being in your own company.
  • Go out to nature – going outdoors has physical and mental benefits. It helps improve our mood, reduces anxiety, and boosts our immune system. It also helps us connect with other beings: plants and animals. 
  • Practice gratitude – the word gratitude is derived from the Latin word gratia, which means grace, graciousness, or gratefulness. The benefits of practising gratitude are endless. It is vital to take some time to appreciate, be content and thankful for what you have in life. People that practise gratitude feel more positive emotions express more compassion and kindness, and even have stronger immune systems.
  • Develop healthy habits – having the right habits will help you boost your mental and physical health, improve your brain’s performance, and achieve success in your life. Physical exercise, eating well, getting enough sleep, breathing deeply, and practising meditation are some of the great habits that help increase happiness.
  • Spend time with family and friends – surround yourself with positive people. Our happiness is related to the quality of our relationships. It is proven that having meaningful people in our life increases the levels of our happiness.

Happiness is a decision that we actively need to make and a “muscle” we must exercise. Once we have clear that is what we want, we need to put it into practice in our daily life. Having positive habits that reframe happiness is critical. The more positivity you input in your life, the more positivity you will be able to output. Add these ideas to your calendar and commit to their practice.

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