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Meditation for Beginners. A Guide on How to Get Started and on the Meditation Benefits

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Meditation has been a technique people have practiced for centuries. It is seen in some cultures as the very technique necessary to transition from the real world to the spiritual world. While in other societies, it has been seen as a helpful technique to help with mental health. With mental health becoming an ever-growing problem in the world, it is becoming essential to have as many tools in the toolbox as possible, and meditation should be one of them. However, meditation for beginners could be difficult as it does require a level of focus and discipline.

Below we will discuss the intrinsic details that go into meditation and what concrete benefits meditation can provide.

How to Meditate

Another obstacle when it comes to meditation for beginners is deciding how and when to meditate. The incredible thing about meditation is that it is more spiritual and mental than anything else. A person can meditate while walking or sitting in front of the computer, but these are more advanced levels of meditation. For a beginner, there is a common place they should start, and with time and experience can grow to more advanced levels. A beginner should follow this list of steps when first embarking on their meditating journey.

  • Sit or lay down in an environment where no noise can penetrate at anytime convenient for you.
  • Begin a timer. In the beginning, it should be set in the range of 3-5 minutes.
  • Close your eyes
  • Take in long deep breaths, and then slowly exhale either through the mouth or the nose.
  • The overall goal of meditation is to keep a clear mind, but a beginner’s thoughts will arise from time to time. The important part is focusing on quickly returning to your quiet space when they appear.
  • Once the timer has sounded, open your eyes, and take notice of any changes you may feel. Whether that is a heightened awareness of your surrounding or sensitivity to sounds

Meditation is meant to be a soothing, relaxing time where no outside interference is to disturb you; that is why focusing on breathing and returning to that quiet place when thoughts occur is essential. The tricky part can arise when a beginner is not used to sitting in one place for too long or doesn’t know how to focus on their breathing. There is no need for fancy stances, and there is no specific way your hands should be positioned. Everyone operates on their own time, but once you feel confident in these steps, you can take further steps to reach the next level, like raising the time limit.

Benefits of Meditation

Meditation for beginners can be an enticing practice because it has been known to provide benefits. Even as a beginner, if you follow the directions mentioned above, you could soon see the benefits of meditation. Those benefits include:

  • Heightened self-awareness
  • It can help with loneliness by creating an internal connection with the world.
  • Reduced stress
  • An improvement in sleep quality
  • A reduced heart rate

Meditation can be dated back to as far back as 5000 BCE. It is a practice most known in the religion of Buddhism and most eastern based religions. Now in the 21st century, this practice has expanded beyond religious practice and has become a movement not only in the eastern world but the western world. Psychologists recommend it; some schools have incorporated it into their daily routines. Meditation is a proven technique that helps a person not only through mental health but just through the stress of life. Meditation for a beginner could be the very thing that helps them get through a difficult breakup or going to a job that does not serve them. It could be the thing that encourages and inspires them to leave a job and pursue a more peaceful life. Meditation has been helping people for thousands of years, and you now have the chance to join in on what is becoming a movement toward peace and tranquility.

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