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Self-Love – What it Is and How to Practice It

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Self-love is the process of appreciating yourself from a physical, spiritual, and psychological standpoint. It’s about understanding that you are special and unique. That no matter what the world says, you matter, and you have a place in society. Self-love is about having the confidence, strength, and courage to go into the world and be proud of who you are.

Life can be routinely hard at any given moment. We as people go through things, but being able to love ourselves and remain in that same frame throughout the good and bad times can be the necessary remedy to a happy life, therefore, the focus should be not on “should I love myself” but on “How I love myself.”

Below we will discuss how to practice self-love.

Tips on how to practice self-love

Understanding that self-love is essential for your life is a major step. There are dozens of ways to practice self-love, but some are more beneficial than others. As mentioned in the intro, “how I love myself” is often the most important part of self-love, so here are five ways you can go about practicing self-love.

  1. Only seek to control your actions – It can be mentally draining to try and fix the world’s problems. Watching the news or social media exposes you to the constant dangers of the world, but it distracts you from the beauty of the world. Self-love includes your mental state, so focusing solely on things directly within your control instead of trying to solve the world’s problems can leave you with a better mental state.
  2. Build a community – Having positive people around you who fill you with encouraging words can be the best medicine when you are feeling down. Finding friends through classes, friends groups on social media, or at school is crucial. Sometimes the mind can drag a person down, and it is hard to get out of that space, but having a loving, caring community around you can get you out of that hole and remind you of the unique person you are.
  3. Build a routine – Self-love is something that takes practice, and it may be necessary to create routines. Having a block of the day where you do not look at social media or the news can do wonders, maybe even make a bedtime routine. Take some time to sit alone and think about nothing but happy thoughts, what you are grateful for, and thank yourself for making it this far.
  4. Don’t compare yourself – Everyone is their own person, and no two people are alike. It can be unhealthy to think about how others look and put yourself down for not looking like that. That’s why it can be beneficial to disconnect from social media from time to time. Forget what society or social media claims to be beautiful and successful. Instead, make your own proclamation because what you believe is more important.
  5. Trust you will make the right decision – Practicing self-love is also practicing confidence. You must know that you are fully capable of making the right decision. It may not always be necessary to ask other people their opinion. You know that you have done the work and know what is best for you.


“How I love myself” could be the difference between living a healthy life and living a dysfunctional life. It’s essential to focus on yourself when practicing self-love. Not shun the world and remain in a box, but remember that you are special and important, especially for someone who has been in a dark place for a while. These practices above can take some time to adapt as you may be inclined to reject these practices or the notion of self-love. It is not until you reach the other side that you realize how much self-love can play a crucial role in your life. Take these and other steps within your life, and things can begin to seem like they are turning around.

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