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The Importance of Having a Life Vision and Mission

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The Importance of Having a Life Vision and Mission

Where do you want to be in 3, 5, or even 10 years? Chances are, it may not be where you are right now. However, if you don’t know where you want to go, you might end up in an area that isn’t of interest to you. Therefore, it is crucial to start thinking about your life vision and mission before too late. Life is a journey, and the things that happen to us along the way make all the prospects ahead seem more clear. Even if you haven’t come across a problem yet, some issues will arise throughout your life. Those problems become more clear when we have a life vision and mission.

What Is a Life Mission?

Having a life mission will help you understand how you want to live your life. To define your life mission, you will need to do some soul-searching. Take some time off, go out to nature and bring a notebook. Write down what you like to do, what is really important for you and what you would like to do in life. This is an internal process of self-discovery and reflection of your cherished values, beliefs and goals. We need some help to find our life mission, so we can learn critical moral rules, norms and virtues that lead to – understanding others, building relationships, making a difference in the world, being of service to others and making the world around us a better place. Life missions are inspiring, and they can help you live life with more meaning and happiness. 

Creating a life mission is something that many people overlook. However, when you decide on your life mission, you create a mental framework for handling difficult situations and discovering true meaning in your life. This leads to fulfilment and a sense of accomplishment for achieving your life goals.

Examples of Life Mission

“To be a force for good”

“To help those in need”

“To live life fully and to its best”

“To leave the world a better place”

“To always find the good in everything”

“To live a healthy and active life”

“To be a pillar for my family”

“To create extraordinary products that will positively impact the lives of others”

“To advance science”

“To save lives”

What is a Life Vision?

When you create your life vision, you are designing your future. It is a fun and fruitful exercise to do. Likewise, on the life mission, you should schedule some time to reflect and be creative. 

A life vision is vital because it gives you direction, meaning, and purpose. A vision refers to the overall view of what you want your life to be like, where you want to end up, and the type of person you want to be. To help you with this exercise, we leave you some questions that you should think about and answer:

  • How do I want my life to be in 5, 10, 20 or 50 years?
  • What do I want to achieve in life?
  • What legacy do I want to leave?
  • How do I want my personality to be?
  • What lifestyle do I want to have?
  • How do I want my relationships to be?
  • How do I want my financial situation to be?
  • What do I want to achieve with my work?
  • How do I want my spirituality to be?

Every one of us has a compass, a vision for our lives. Sometimes we forget about it, other times we lose sight of it and sometimes we are simply busy with everyday life and don’t find the time to envision who we could be. To complement this exercise, you can create a vision board by selecting meaningful images of what you want in life. This is a great way of focusing on what you want.

Example of Life Vision

“I live life to the fullest by experiencing and appreciating what life has to offer. My life is extraordinary and I am extremely happy and fulfilled. 

I am free to choose where I want to live. As I can work anywhere, I choose to live in a new country every year. I am able to experience the culture of each country and live like a local. I also have tried bungee jumping on all continents.

I am married to my soul mate, and we have 4 kids. My family is very united, supportive and caring. We all go on amazing vacations every year and create unforgettable moments. We also have 3 dogs and 1 cat at home. We live in a mansion with a pool with outstanding views. I have a supportive group of friends that are like family. 

I am a millionaire, and I run multiple businesses. My team is very supportive, creative and talented. I work half a day every day to run my businesses.

I have a personal trainer and a nutritionist that work with me. I eat healthily and do sports every day. I weigh 70 kg.”

After writing down your mission and vision, save your draft and revisit it the following day. If you are like me, there will be things that you’ll want to add after a good night of sleep. Print your life vision, mission and vision board and leave it in a place where you can see it. Make it part of your morning routine. Read your mission and vision, and look at your vision board every day. After some time, you will see that your life is becoming what you designed. Your decisions and energy will be shaped by what you choose.

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